Advancing Maine's Climate Action Plan

Announcements | Jun 24, 2021

In June of 2019, Governor Mills signed a bipartisan bill into law forming the Maine Climate Council. The Council, tasked with generating a four-year plan to substantially reduce the stateā€™s greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the consequences of climate change released that action plan, called Maine Wonā€™t Wait, in December of 2020. Nearly 100 recent or ongoing projects at GMRI align with the strategies, objectives, and actions outlined in that plan. Below, we highlight how these projects contribute to Maine's climate action plan.

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Maine Wonā€™t Wait is an extraordinarily ambitious plan outlining steps that will help us avert the worst impacts of climate change. At GMRI, Iā€™m proud to work with an interdisciplinary team of experts who are leading a variety of projects that advance the implementation of this plan.

Dave Reidmiller, Ph.D. Chief Impact Officer
This is the staff photo for david reidmiller
Dave Reidmiller, Ph.D. Chief Impact Officer GMRI

Maine Won't Wait: Mapping GMRI Contributions

To get a more detailed look at all the ways we contribute to the strategies, objectives, and actions laid out in Maine Won't Wait ā€” in addition to the highlights on this page ā€” please explore our report that maps out the nearly 100 recent and ongoing GMRI projects that help advance the plan.

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