Oceans of Possibilities
Tidings | Sep 7, 2022
Experts from across GMRI are providing the Maine State Library system with resources and opportunities to support the 2022 summer reading theme: Oceans of Possibilities.

Each year, libraries across the country select a shared theme for their summer reading and program activities. GMRI staff leading our Learning Ecosystems Northeast (LENE) initiative have partnered with the Maine State Library to celebrate this year’s theme: Oceans of Possibilities.
Experts from across GMRI are providing the Maine State Library with learning resources and opportunities — from a series of short, scientific explainer videos to sustainable seafood recipes, community science projects, and an interactive story map that visualizes rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine.
“Maine’s libraries are at the heart of their communities and are keenly aware of issues that matter to them. Our collaboration with the Gulf of Maine Research Institute is providing library staff with the resources and information they need to become the go-to place in their communities for those interested in learning more about climate issues that impact all of us.”
Marijke Visser Director of Library Development Maine State Library
In order to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change, communities must have access to climate science. This summer program is a meaningful step toward creating that access, allowing library patrons to learn about the dynamic and important ecosystems around them.