Surface to Seafloor: GMRI Researchers Lead Ecosystem Survey

Perspectives | Dec 31, 2016

See some highlights of the 2016 Gulf of Maine Coastal Ecosystem Survey (GOMCES) cruise including the science instruments in action, beautiful Maine scenery and a basking shark!

Staff perspective: Andrew Allyn

Andrew Allyn, Ph.D. Senior Research Manager

“During a normal species-specific study, we might collect data on the distribution and abundance of birds. Automatically, you start wondering, ‘Why are they here?’ And normally, that’s where it ends, because you don’t have data on the rest of the ecosystem. With this survey, we can just go to the pilot house and check out what is going on with the fish by looking at the acoustics. We can then check with the biological oceanographer to find out what’s going on with the zooplankton activity. Finally, we have the physical oceanographic measures, such as temperature and salinity, to evaluate how those drivers influence the patterns we observe. Ultimately, this allows us to paint a picture of the whole ecosystem — the relationships among species and their physical environment.” 

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